League of Foundations of BRICS+ countries in the field of science and education development is an international non-governmental, non-profit association created to support scientific and educational initiatives in BRICS, CIS, SCO countries, and other nations.

We strive for global cooperation and knowledge exchange to address the challenges of the present and future.
About the League
The League's goal is to promote the development of scientific and educational activities on a global level, jointly identifying and addressing present and future challenges through knowledge and resource exchange via international cooperation
The initiator of the League's creation is the Andrey Melnichenko Charity Foundation
Development of international cooperation and knowledge exchange in the fields of science and education
Enhancing the quality and accessibility of education
Support for scientific research and educational projects
Facilitating the integration of the scientific and educational potential of BRICS, CIS, SCO countries, and other nations
Our main objectives:
Sharing best practices to bridge the skills gap
Improving the qualifications of personnel, including engineering and vocational skills
League Members
BRICS+ Future Makers Award
The BRICS+ Foundations League in the field of science and education development is the organizer of the International BRICS+ Future Makers Award
The BRICS+ Future Makers Award is held annually and aims to support and encourage talented young scientists and researchers from BRICS, CIS, and SCO countries
Award Objectives
Encouraging young scientists to develop innovative projects and research that contribute to technological progress in their countries and internationally
Identifying talented young scientists and researchers from BRICS, CIS, and SCO countries
Promoting the formation and development of an international scientific community of young scientists capable of making a significant contribution to addressing future global challenges
The application must be completed in English and align with the award's theme
Participants must be citizens of BRICS, CIS, and SCO member countries aged 14 to 35.
The award includes several categories approved by the Organizing Committee, taking into account current tasks and future challenges.

Each category aims to encourage various scientific and educational projects that contribute to technological development and improving quality of life.
Applications will be accepted on the award's website after the official launch. Participants must complete the application form and provide descriptions of their projects and innovative approaches
Participant Requirements
application process
    Participate in the League's Work
    Cooperation and membership in the League are open to foundations and other organizations actively involved in the development of science and education in BRICS, CIS, SCO countries, and other nations
    To join the League, candidates must align with the League's goals and objectives outlined in the Regulations of the BRICS+ Foundations League in the field of science and education development and provide documentation and other information confirming the candidate's status, activities, and projects in the field of science and education by sending them electronically to contact@aimfond.ru.
    After receiving the completed application form, we will contact you!